This unfortunate ruling opened the flood gates of legalized perversion all across the nation and placed God fearing people in the cross hairs of loyalty to God or country. For the true Christian such as Kim Davis of Kentucky who spent time behind bars for failure to comply, there can only be one course of action!
As Christians we strive to be law abiding citizens. But when the law of the land conflicts with the law of God, we are true to only one. God's Law.
This decision which had nothing to do with the constitution as one justice stated, but has everything to do with issuing in the final days of judgment on this land. Christians came into existence being hated, persecuted,and martyred for their faith. And we will end up the final age in doing the same thing! Because there is no God but Jesus, no law but the bible, and no backing down or compromise of the same!
Jesus Christ is Lord
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