Over the past couple of decades, Americans have watched their
individual and religious freedoms slowly eroding and being taken away to be
replaced by governmental mandates and tyrannical legislation. People of faith have paid a heavy and high price for their position
and convictions regarding their faith. The teacher in New Jersey suspended for giving a
student a Bible; a football coach in
Washington state placed on leave for saying a
prayer on the field at the end of a game; the
fire chief in Atlanta fired for
self-publishing a book defending Christian moral teaching; the Marine court-martialed for pasting a
Bible verse above her desk; and there are numerous
other examples of the new intolerance.
Anti-Christian activists hurl smears like “bigot” and “hater”
at Americans who hold traditional beliefs about marriage and accuse
anti-abortion Christians of waging a supposed “war on women.” The situation we are currently facing
reminds me of the frog that is placed in a cold pot of water. When the water
slowly heats up, the frog gets
so adjusted to the environment that he doesn’t
even realize that he is being boiled alive!
Traditional American Christians have long been on the losing
end of a culture-war beginning with school prayer, and now including same-sex
marriage and other moral and biblical issues. Recent events, including
the Supreme Court
decision overruling Texas’ restrictions on
abortion clinics and the mandate that employers provide access to
contraception, have added to the sense that religious expression is under
This new vigorous secularism has catapulted mockery of
Christianity and other forms of religious traditionalism into the mainstream
and set a new low for what counts as civil criticism of people’s most-cherished
beliefs. In some precincts, the “faith of our fathers” is controversial as
never before.
And finally what has been dubbed as the “cancel culture”
which began with vandalism of the statues of notable historical figures has
spread to the erasing of anything and anybody who dares to speak out against
the insanity all around us. And that includes pastors who declare the truth of
God’s Word against sin, wickedness, and perversion prevalent in this evil
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